Launched in Jan 2023

Subtitle Generator

Powered by OpenAI Whisper

Automatically add subtitles and translate to English for your videos in minutes. Completely free. 95% accuracy.

Previously Disappointed by AI?

What makes Whisper different

The new AI Whisper is more accurate than most of the paid services you may have tried and existing softwares (pyTranscriber, Aegisub, SpeechTexter, etc.) according to our testing.

OpenAI recently released Whisper , an automatic speech recognition system with improved recognition of unique accents, background noise and technical jargon. It is trained on '680,000 hours of multilingual supervised data'. You can learn more by reading the paper.

However, not everyone is comfortable with the command line and installing the dependencies required to run Whisper. We create an app that allows user to use Whisper to generate subtitle effortlessly.

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